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The Ballot Box
This was a teaching resource designed to educate
students in 1996 about the new way of MMP voting.
After the campaigns release
then-Prime Minister Jim Bulger later said:
"I think cartoons were the wrong way to go about it".
The Legendary, and now sadly departed Murray Ball
- creator of classic NZ cartoon 'Footrot Flats' -
and myself had been asked to draw material.
Tearaway Magazine was a free newspaper delivered to all secondary school students throughout Aotearoa in the 1990's.
It stood up for a lot of things that were 'uncool' at the time - suicide prevention, equality, human rights etc...
I was proud to work for them.
This is some of what I drew while there, along with one of the School Journals I illustrated, and some LTSA work.
All pages reprinted with courtesy © Tearaway Magazine NZ
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